Rostislav Trifonov

Sound Artist & Composer

Game Audio

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Trailer Placements


"Cold Symmetry team had a pleasure to work with Rostislav on Mortal Shell sound design for the game as well as the marketing materials such as Mortal Shell game trailers. Rostislav being one of the few sound designers on Mortal Shell, played a really important role in creating the atmospheric, combat, character as well as miscellaneous sound effects all giving Mortal Shell its identity and quality."
Vitaly Bulgarov
Co-Founder at Cold Symmetry
"Ros is one of most talented sound designers I have ever worked with. He is a rare drop. Pure talent combined with a positive mindset and an everlasting interest to learn and grow. His audio contributions to Mojang and Minecraft Dungeons have been absolutely crucial."
Samuel Åberg
Audio Director at Mojang AB
"Rostislav is one dedicated and talented sound designer that is always focused on delivering high quality sound content. He is easy to work with and he has the ability to adapt his content on the fly based on the feedback he gets. We already have two high profile projects done with him."
Atanas Stanulov
Lead XR developer at Ocean Visioneering